About Inspire Community Outreach (Inspire)

Blog provided by Inspire Community Outreach.

Inspire is a charitable social services organization that provides evidence-based, culturally informed, and family-centered education and programming designed to meet the needs of those living with mental health issues and neurological/cognitive differences.

Our Mission

To provide inclusive, evidence-based support, that honors lived experience, for families who live with neurological differences and mental health concerns.

Our Vision

For all families to have access to responsive support that empowers them to thrive.

Who We Help

Inspire supports the mental wellness of families who live with neurological sensitivities/differences.  We do this by creating outreach programming for three populations:

  1. Children and youth ages 3-29 who live with neurological differences or mental health challenges. 
  2. Family members, with our main focus on parents and primary caregivers.
  3. Professionals involved in support roles with these exceptional families, such as Teachers, Health Care Workers, Therapists, and Child Care Workers. 

Defining Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is the umbrella term which includes brain wiring differences like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism, Dyslexia, and more (Taylor, 2021). Many children who experience neurodivergence also communicate through behaviours that can challenge the caregiver. This is for many reasons, and there are things we can do to support.


  • In-Home Stabilization: Inspire is well-practiced in receiving families that are in high levels of distress. Inspire team members can help find solutions for active challenges and plan for safety.
  • Accessibility: Inspire highly respects educators and service providers. Our goal is to support positive relationships between available supports. Including education, child, and family, planning for everyone’s success.
  • Service Navigation: Diagnostic and support services for children, youth and families are complex and confusing. Our team knows the system and can offer guidance and advocacy.
  • Counseling: Exceptional families experience unusually high levels of stress and overwhelm. Our therapists specialize in coming alongside people of all ages and abilities through a strength-based approach (In Person or Virtual options available).
  • Assessment: The multidisciplinary assessment is based on understanding neurocomplexity, including the brain wiring differences, the lived experience of those differences,  and the impact of our environment,  including relationships.
  • Training and community outreach: custom training and programs are continuously updated with new research and community input, to ensure support is meaningful.

About the Founder

Angela Taylor is Inspire Community Outreach’s Founder, CEO, and director of Clinical Services. She has a Bachelor’s degree, a Post Bacc in Education, focusing on inclusion, and a  Master’s Degree in Disability Studies. She is currently completing her PhD in education, focusing on children with complex behaviors, while supporting multiple clinical teams across Canada. Learn more here: https://inspirecommunityoutreach.ca/meet-angela-taylor/

The Team

The team is skilled in various areas, including trauma processing, Indigenous family engagement, burnout, service navigation, variable development, neurodivergence, and adult disability services, among others. Learn more here: https://inspirecommunityoutreach.ca/our-team/

We invite you to share our information with other families and organizations. We work with a variety of funders, including  insurance, CFS, Jordan’s Principle, Variety – The Children’s Charity of Manitoba, and use a Sliding Fee Scale to make our programs more accessible financially.

Learn more about us at: www.inspirecommunityoutreach.ca

Email: info@inspirecommunityoutreach.ca

Or call us at 204-996-1547

Charity # 830697231RR0001